Gene6 FTP Server v3.7.0 Build 24 官方繁體中文化正式版(FTP Server伺服器軟體)

商品名稱: Gene6 FTP Server v3.7.0 Build 24

商品分類: FTP傳輸.下載.遠端東西

商品類型: FTP Server伺服器軟體

語系版本: 官方繁體中文化正式版

運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003

更新日期: 2005-12-10

熱門標籤: Server伺服器軟體 FTP Gene6 Server 


安裝完程式後請勿執行程式,也關閉Gene6 FTP Server在配景運作

預設地位是:C:Program FilesGene6 FTP Server
再開啟軟體的 Tools 弁鉯龠竣兇嚝亃z要的語言即可

這是一個相當不錯的 FTP Server 伺服器軟體,他支援遠端方案弁鄐帡妧AIP的更新,
假定你沒有一個固定IP來架設你的FTP Server 伺服器,那你用它準沒錯,其在設定上和
快取的弁鄐帢{開啟的執行,對一個FTP Server 站長來說限定高下傳比率、配額率設

Version History:
Gene6 FTP Server v3.7.0.24 - 01/Dec/2005

Server : MLST returning "File not found" but file exists.
Server : User class password not applied at user account level.
Server : LIST and NLST commands now reply "521 Data connection cannot be
opened with this security level." if the client is using a clear data channel
and the folder is set as secure instead of sending an empty list.
Server : "Disable Mode Z for LAN" option was disabling mode Z for everybody
instead of only clients on the local area network.
Server : "Sub directory" right is incorrectly inherited from parent access
right when applied right has it disabled.
Server : SIZE command parameter was not decoded when client is in UTF8.
Server : SITE commands may not be executed with the client NT rights when
impersonation is enabled.
Server : SHA1 password hashes were incorrect.
Server : Locales settings used by the server are now taken from the user
default language id (lcid) instead of system default language id.
Server : Clients that do not establish SSL connection when connecting on
SSL ports are now disconnected.
Server : The event "OnEveryDay" was triggered at midnight GMT and not at
midnight on the computer.
Server : Backslashes in LIST parameters are replaced by slashes so "LIST
temp*.txt" is now equal to "LIST /temp/*.txt" and will list *.txt files
in "temp" subfolder properly.
Manual : The manual was documenting Domain.WriteLog() function as Domain.
Tray icon : Icon is now refreshed only if it changes.
g6_fs_ftp.dll : A function was not using unicode and could prevent files with
specific unicode characters from being downloaded.
g6_fs_ftp.dll : If the connection is lost while uploading a file, an access
violation could be raised.
g6_fs_ftp.dll : SSL handshake was done too early and was hanging with some
ftp servers.
libeay32.dll, libssl32.dll : Updated OpenSSL dll to 0.9.8a due to a potential
vulnerability risk :

Admin : "SITE PSWD" parameters are now hidden in "Last command" column of the
domain activity list.
Admin : Focus set on the edit box for Free files, IP Access, Banned files
Server : The reply of the STAT command can be changed by assigning a new
value to domain message "msgStat".
Server : XCRC and XMD5 commands now reset the client inactivity timer.
Server : SSLv2 is not allowed anymore.
Server : ODBC connections should be reopened faster after a connection loss.
Server : LIST command parameter now default to "-a" to list files starting
with a dot. Disabling '-a' parameter in "Exluded list options" will again
prevent listing those files.
g6_compression_zlib.dll : Zlib updated to version 1.2.3.
g6_script_js_vb.dll : Tools.FormatSize() accepts a new parameter to specify
the number of digits after the decimal.
g6_script_js_vb.dll : Script error log is now always visible.

Admin : Administrators can now always use empty://.
Server : Scripts tags are now parsed in SITE commands.
Server : Added a new event "OnClientAuthenticated" that is triggered after
a client sends a valid login/password.
Server : Added "XSHA1" command to compute SHA1 hashes of files.
Server : Parameters are now supported for disabled commands.
Server : Chained SSL certificates can now be provided to the ftp client
with intermediate certificates (append the supplied intermediate cert to
provided CA .crt file).
g6_auth_db.dll : For users authenticated against a DB, columns of the SQL
query can now be retrieved with the tag $DB(column). Ex: $DB(account), $DB(
g6_auth_nt.dll : Users that are members of the Power users group will now use
the "PowerUser" account.
g6_fs_ftp.dll : Added explicit SSL available via ftpse://.
g6_script_js_vb.dll : Client.Send() accepts a new parameter to process tags
in the message sent.


GlobalSCAPE Secure FTP Server v3.1.5 Build 04.24.2006.1 英文正式版(FTP連線東西軟體)

Gene6 FTP Server v3.8.0.34 繁/簡/英多國語言正式版(FTP Server伺服器軟體)

Nofeel FTP Server 3.0 Build 2630 英文正式版(FTP Server程式軟體)

RaidenFTPD FTP Server v2.4 build 3501 英文正式版(ftp伺服器軟體)

Gene6 FTP Server v3.10.0.2 Professional 繁體中文正式版(針對學術、商務以及企業大型應用所開發的高品質檔案傳輸伺服器軟體)


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